Andrea Palamarčuková - Kapweine

Andrea Palamarčuková

Digital Marketing Managerin

Andrea Palamarčuková ist seit März 2023 bei KapWeine. Mit ihrem gestalterischen Hintergund mag sie alle kreativen Aufgaben. Sie reist viel und gerne, liebt die Kunst und guten Wein. Die warmen Sommerabende verbringt sie am liebsten im Garten mit ihren Freunden.

Wine Tasting & Party: South Africa Days 2024

Experience the South Africa Days at the end of August! Enjoy a selection of over 150 South African tasting wines, authentic BBQ/braai and a unique party atmosphere. Discover South African wine and culture with us!

Pinotage Season

October is definitely the start of the Pinotage season for us. Learn more about the South African speciality among the grapes.

Glenelly’s Lady May

May’s vision and passion – In 2003, Madame de Lencquesaing embarked on a new adventure in South Africa when she purchased Glenelly Estate in Stellenbosch.

Top Chenin Blanc Tasting Set

Designed for your private wine tasting among friends. Top Chenin Blanc Tasting Set 2nd Edition at a special price. Killer Set – Set of 6 for CHF 117.- instead of 196.10.

Warwick White Lady Chardonnay – 2020

CHF 19.90 instead of 29.90 Killer Deal >6 bottles / 94 Points by Tim Atkin / 5 Stars by Platter’s. Our Bestseller High End 2022 – Warwick White Lady Chardonnay 2020. Experience the classic elegance. Vegan!
